Changes in the oxidative stress indices in different typs of acute heart failure

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Tabachenko, Olena
Golubovskaya, Аlexandra
Gramatyuk, Anna
Dunaieva, Inna

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Oxidative stress (OS) is an important pathogenetic component of acute heart failure (AHF). The increase in the induction of active forms of oxygen, intensification of peroxide lipids oxidation (POL) and lower levels of antioxidant protection is tightly connected by direct and indirect linkages to the neurohumoral and immuno-inflammatory activation, and is associated with the destructive and metabolic disorders, which are specific to the AHF.


Thus, increased free radical activity and the processes of peroxidation at AHF was not balanced by an adequate reaction of the antioxidant system.


oxydative stress, heart failure


Changes in the oxidative stress indices in different typs of acute heart failure / O. Tabachenko, А. Golubovskaya, A. Gramatyuk, I. Dunaeva // 5th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young doctors, Kharkiv, April 25–26, 2012 : Abstract book. – Kharkiv, 2012. – P. 80.