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Diagnostics and treatment of femail adolescents and young women with ovarian cysts

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Tuchkina, Irina
Piontkovskaya, Oksana
Gnatenko, Natalia
Tysyachka, Galina
Rubinskaya, Tatyana
Rogachova, Natella

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The aim of this study has been to examine the clinical symptoms, the effectiveness of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ovarian cysts of pubertal and young reproductive age. The effectiveness of treatment and reducing the number of relapses (of the functional cysts) depend on the correct assessment of the urgent situation and the differentiated approach to the choice of conservative and surgical therapy.



diagnostics, treatment, ovarian cysts, girls, young women


Diagnostics and treatment of femail adolescents and young women with ovarian cysts / I. Tuchkina, O. Piontcovskaya, N. Gnatenko, G. Tysyachka. T. Rubinskaya, N. Rogacheva // 16th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Firenze, 5–8 March 2014. – Firenze, 2014. – P. 80.