The empathic ability of kharkiv national medical university students with the functional asymmetry of a different type
Bulynina, Oksana
Voytenko, Taisiya
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The dependence between the individual peculiarities of functional asymmetry and the level of empathy has been established. The analysis of diagnostic findings of the level of empathy in persons with the functional asymmetry a different type showed that all the groups have an average level of empathy. The persons with the left-side type of functional asymmetry (LSTFA) (experimental group) have the highest number of points as for the scales: empathy for parents (12.1); empathy for children (12); empathy for strangers and little-known people (11.1). The persons with the mixed type of functional asymmetry (MTFE) have the lowest number of points for all the scales of empathy. Most persons with the right-side type of functional asymmetry (RSTFА) (the reference group) show a very high level of empathy (9.5%) for the scale of “empathy for parents” (15 points) and only the persons from the experimental group with the MTFE (12.5%) have the lowest level of empathy (0-1 points) for the scales of “empathy for animals” and also empathy for “the strangers and little-known people”.
1. In conclusion, we would like to state that 66.7% of the women participated in the inquiry and the women with RSTFA had the highest percentage, i.e. 90.5%. Among the men the highest percentage showed the persons with the SVTFA, i.e. 61.5%. 2. All the groups have an average level of empathy: the persons with RSTFA have 55.7 points, LSTFA have 59.1 points, MTFA have 46.1 points and the persons with SVTFA have 58.2 points. 3. The persons from the experimental group with the LSTFA have the highest number of points: empathy for parents (12.1), empathy for children (12) and empathy for strangers and littleknown people (11.1) the persons with MTFA have the lowest number of points for all empathy scales. 4. Most persons with RSTFA (reference group) have a very high level of empathy (9.5%) for the scale “empathy for parents” (15 points) and the lowest level of empathy (0 to 1 point) showed the persons from the experimental group with MTFA (12.5%) for the scales “empathy for animals” and “empathy for strangers and little-known people”.
functional asymmetry, empathy, methods of V.V. Boiko
Bulynina O. The empathic ability of kharkiv national medical university students with the functional asymmetry of a different type / O. Bulynina, T. Voytenko // World Science. – Special Edition : VI Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Physiology «Physiology to Medicine, Pharmacy and Pedagogics: Actual Problems and Modern Advancements», May 15–16, 2019. – P. 24–27.