Phytotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in turkmenistan: tradional medical experience
Заздравнов, Андрей Анатольевич
Hudaynazarova, A.
Zazdravnov, A.
Jorayev, A.
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Currently, its commonly easy to diagnose RA, however treatment is still undergoing different procedures. The most common treatment in Turkmenistan is the Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and anti-inflammatory therapy, but we use traditional herbal medicine by method of Russian scientist and doctor Bolotov. Swam Sabelnik (also known Comarum palustre) is the most effective herbal drug against arthritis know till now. For example, Bolotov’s balls at exchange polyarthritis make cakes of a black radish mixed with 1 tablespoon of powder of dry roots of sabelnik to daily portion of kvas (fermentation). His advice was to reduce the level of protein food, more physical activity and some methods of medicine.
phytotherapy, Turkmenistan, reumatoid arthritis
Hudaynazarova A. B. Phytotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in turkmenistan: tradional medical experience
/ A. B. Hudaynazarova, A. A. Zazdravnov, A. A. Jorayev // Патологія суглобів з позицій поліпрофільного підходу : матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, Харків, 17 березня 2017 г. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2017. – С. 1–2.