Impact of stress of the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and cardiorespiratory coupling

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Isaieva, Inna
Karmazina, Iryna
Cherniakova, Oleksandra

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The analysis of causal relationships between dynamical systems is increasingly of interest in various fields of science. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are characterized by a complex interaction of several linear and nonlinear subsystems. It is well known that the circulatory and respiratory regulatory systems are combined, that is, the heart and respiratory rhythms are synchronized. The study of cardiopulmonary coupling is still a topical issue for the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases and for public health in general.


Based on the fact that chronic stress causes changes in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which can provoke the development of pathology of these systems or increase the risk of developing diseases in the future, therefore, there is a need to develop preventive means for the development of chronic stress, its negative impact on the functional state of the body as a whole, and the search for means to increase stress resistance.


stress, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, cardiorespiratory coupling, 2023а


Isaieva I. M. Impact of stress of the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and cardiorespiratory coupling / I. M. Isaieva, I. S. Karmazina, O. E. Cherniakova // Modern research in science and education : Proceedings of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference, Chicago, USA, 9─11 November 2023 / BoScience Publisher. ─ Chicago, 2023. ─ P. 77─83.