Peculiarities of cardiovascular fitness in students with different level of physical activity
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Харківський національний медичний університет
The CVF parameters, considering both initial HR and HR recovery were significantly higher in young people who self-reported regular PA. Therefore, in current study the results predicted by self-report measurement coincided with objective evaluation. However, as results varied individually, it is recommended to research the optimal intensity of PA leading to improvement of CVF for each participant. Even though in group of young people with non-regular PA estimated parameters were considered normal, it’s recommended to raise their PA level to achieve more favorable effect on enhancing CVF.
Nowadays, the cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) still hold the 1st place among causes of death all over the world with estimated 31% of all global deaths (WHO, 2017). Even with constant development and improvement of prevention tactics, CVDs level doesn’t seem to drop, increasing instead. One of main factors of CVDs risk decrease is adequate physical activity (PA) that causes favorable changes in cardiovascular fitness (CVF), body weight, body fat percentage, etc. (Gutin B. et al., 2002). Simple change of transportation means from passive to active already raises the PA level, improving CVF (Larouche R. et al., 2014). Various self-reported methods of PA evaluation were developed aiming at assessment of CVDs risk, however, there may be a significant difference between CVF predicted by self-reports and actual objective state of an organism (Tomaz S.A., 2014). Therefore, objective research of CVF as one of indexes with high prognostic value of risk of CDVs (Hayes S.W. et al., 2013) and study of compensatory changes of circulation system related to different levels of PA have a great value.
The aim of research was to study the peculiarities of cardiovascular fitness in regards to heart rate recovery in students with regular and non-regular physical activity.
cardiovascular fitness, physical activity
Gbemisola O. Peculiarities of cardiovascular fitness in students with different level of physical activity / O. Gbemisola // Фізіологія – медицині, фармації та педагогіці: актуальні проблеми та сучасні досягнення : V Всеукраїнська наукова конференція студентів та молодих вчених з фізіології з міжнародною участю, Харків, 16 травня 2018 р. / ред. колегія: Д. І. Маракушин [та ін.]. – Харків, 2018. – С. 15.