Проблематика використання змішаного навчання при викладанні дисципліни «Гігієна та екологія»

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Завгородній, Ігор Володимирович
Меркулова, Тетяна Валентинівна
Літовченко, Олена Леонідівна
Лисак, Марина Сергіївна

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Чорноморський національний університет ім. Петра Могили, Миколаїв

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Abstract. Every year the rate of spread of new educational models in higher education is increasing. This leads to a change in the trajectory of the educational environment towards the active use of Internet technologies. At the present stage, in order to qualitatively update the content of education, a polyparadigmatic approach to the choice of pedagogical technologies with a combination of different teaching methods, flexible educational models and styles is needed. This is a “blended learning” – modern technology that has broad prospects for use and further development, attracts the student and allows you to study according to an individual educational trajectory. The article highlights the features of the introduction of elements of blended learning in mastering the discipline “Hygiene and Ecology” by the 6th-year students of the Medical University. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the use and ways of further improving the blended learning model in teaching the discipline “Hygiene and Ecology”. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of student-centered learning, theory, principles and own experience of using information systems in the implementation of a blended learning model. Results and discussion. The study highlights the main positive benefits of blended learning compared to traditional classroom learning. As a result of the study, it was established that when studying the discipline “Hygiene and Ecology” it is advisable to use the “inverted class” technology, which has a positive effect on the level of learning the material. At the same time, teachers faced the need for a clear structuring and distribution of topics for self-study by students and mandatory mastering within the classroom work in the study of this discipline. The introduction of elements of blended learning in mastering the discipline led to an increase in the pedagogical load in terms of the teacher’s performance of significant amounts of methodological work, the search for adequate and relevant sources of scientific and medical information, actualized the need to create a unified methodological system in the institution. Conclusion. Problems that require a gradual solution on the way to the effective use of blended learning opportunities at a medical university are the organization of continuous training for teachers to develop their digital competencies, active promotion of the use and creation of open information resources, the distribution of the percentage of students’ independent work and the labor intensity of classroom work in the network.



змішане навчання, гігієна та екологія, інформативно-комунікативні компетенції, освітня траєкторія


Проблематика використання змішаного навчання при викладанні дисципліни «Гігієна та екологія» / І. В. Завгородній, Т. В. Меркулова, О. Л. Літовченко, М. С. Лисак // Український журнал медицини, біології та спорту. – 2021. – Том 6, № 5 (33). – С. 376–381.



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