Influence of mild emotional stress of the heart rate
Zaporozhchenko, Y.
Maslova, Natalia
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Харківський національний медичній університет
Emotional stress is a state of explicit emotional experiences of sudden difficulties of life, the inclusion of non-specific adaptive mechanisms due to the pathogenic effects of the environment, extreme force or prolonged negative emotions (Isaev D. N.) It is of great importance, because it is the basis of many physiological coping responses, which allow to overcome conflicts, personal fears and anxieties. It is also important that the manifestations of stress in students (fear of exam, etc.) can have a crucial effect on all body systems: nervous, immune, cardiovascular and others.
mild emotional stress, heart rate
Zaporozhchenko Y. S. Influence of mild emotional stress of the heart rate / Y. S. Zaporozhchenko, N. M. Maslova // Actual Problems Of Clinical And Theoretical Medicine : Аbstract Book Of IXth International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists And Medical Students (Іnternational Scientific Іnderdisciplinary Сongrence – ISIC), Kharkiv, 19–20 may 2016 / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2016. – Р. 77–78.