Features of ultrasound diagnosis of genital prolapse in obes women
Safonov, Yehor
Bondarenko, Valeriia
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The problem of genital prolapse (GP) is of great medical and social significance due to its negative impact on both the state of health and the quality of life of a woman. Excess weight is one of the factors in the development of pelvic organ prolapse: increasedintra-abdominal pressure secondary to obesity has a negative effect on the condition of the ligamentous-fascial and muscular apparatus of the small pelvis. The purpose was to clarify the capabilities of ultrasound in improving the preoperative diagnosis of genital prolapse in women with extragenital disorders. Ultrasound is of great diagnostic value due to the fact that this method helps to determine the topography of the injured perineum for surgical correction, and in the postoperative period to detect hematomas, paraproctitis or defects of the rectal mucosa. Genital prolapse is frequently observed in women with extragenital disorders, in particular, bronchial asthma, diabetes and obesity. Current capabilities of ultrasound examination allow us to use them to improve the preoperative diagnosis of genital prolapse in women with extragenital disorders to increase the effectiveness of treatment outcomes.
genital prolapse, obesity, surgical treatment, ultrasound examination
Safonov E. R. Features of ultrasound diagnosis of genital prolapse in obes women / E. R. Safonov, V. O. Bondarenko // ISIC-2022 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 23–24 November, 2022] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2022. – P. 186–189.