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Title: Clinical course and public health
Authors: Vashuk, M.
Moroz, G.
Hloba, Nataliia
Keywords: public health
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2018
Publisher: Харківський національний медичний університет
Citation: Vashuk M. Clinical course and public health / M. Vashuk, G. Moroz, N. Hloba // Громадське здоров’я в Україні: проблеми та способи їх вирішення : матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю (до 95-річного ювілею з дня заснування кафедри громадського здоров’я та управління охороною здоров’я ХНМУ), м. Харків, 24 жовтня 2018 р. – Харків, 2018. – С. 63–64.
Abstract: Weakness, fatigue, headache due to weather changes are detected in about 70 % of population and may indirectly or even directly influence the well-being of a person. In its turn, individual health of each of citizens altogether constitute the public health of the whole population [1, p. 119]. And despite the fact that the great compensation mechanisms are hidden within human adaptive abilities, meteosensitivity is one of its flaws during adaptation to changes of environmental parameters. If reserve of adaptive abilities is determining the health level, then manifestation of meteosensitivity proves health being weak. Intensity of meteopathic reactions depends on organism’s state, availability of diseases, nature conditions, social environment, etc. Various scientific sources have wide coverage of interaction between meteosensitivity and physical load [2, p. 142–143], psychic-physiological adaptation and geomagnetic situation [3, p. 26], however, the data about influence of meteorological factors on state of public health and clinical course of illnesses is insufficient, thus determining the importance of current research.
Description: Therefore, the analysis of health indexes, such as percentage of frequent and long illnesses, quantity and duration of each illness, percentage of chronic and acute diseases, showed the existence of direct interconnection between them and the level of meteosensitivity. That allowed to determine the causal relationship between meteosensitivity level, functional state and in indexes of public health of a population, as the growth of weather sensitivity level is parallel to decrease of health state.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра фізіології

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