Особенности формы мозжечка у больных с мальформацией Киари I типа

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Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
Степаненко, Александр Юрьевич
Stepanenko, Oleksandr
Меркулова, З.Л.

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Видавництво ХНМУ


The linear dimensions of the cerebellum and their ratio in standard and in patients with type I Chiari syndrome have been studied. A decrease in the absolute values of the height and an increase in the absolute values of the length of the cerebellum in patients with Chiari malformation have been established. It is shown, that the change in linear dimensions is reflected in the form of the cerebellum: in patients with Chiari malformation type I the cerebellum is relatively long and low, relatively broad and low, and is relatively long and narrow. The change in form is reflected in the position of the tonsils: a decrease in the relative width leads to a convergence of the tonsils along the midline, an increase in the relative length to their asymmetric arrangement, and a decrease in the relative height to their lowest position relative to the contour of the cerebellum. The change in the position of the tonsils due to the change in the shape of the cerebellum promotes their prolapse into the large occipital opening and the development of the Chiari syndrome type I.



людина, мозочок, конформація Кіарі, man, cerebellum, Chiari malformation


Степаненко А. Ю. Особенности формы мозжечка у больных с мальформацией Киари I типа / А. Ю. Степаненко, З. Л. Меркулова // Медицина сьогодні і завтра. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 12–17.