Topographic anatomy of the "weak" places of the diaphragm. Sternocostal and lumbocostal triangles

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Dudenko, Volodymyr
Vdovichenko, Viacheslav
Kurinnyi, Viacheslav

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ВДНЗ України "Буковинський державний медичний університет", м. Чернівці, Україна


A study to determine the individual characteristics of the spatial topography of the human diaphragm (sternocostal and lumbocostal triangles) in horizontal plane based on CT-data by sex, age and somatotype. Material the data of 75 patients examinated with different diseases of the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Statistical analysis of the measurements revealed that the gaps of Bochdalek and Larrey are quite common. The combination of these gaps were more frequent in males aged 36-60 years, and for females this combination is rare.



individual spatial topography, diaphragm, gap of Larrey, gap of Bochdalek


Dudenko V. G. Topographic anatomy of the «weak» places of the diaphragm. Sternocostal and lumbocostal triangles / V. G. Dudenko, V. Yu. Vdovichenko, V. V. Kurinnyi // Клінічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія. – 2016. – Т. 15, № 1. – С. 84–86.