Наукові праці. Кафедра пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини № 1, основ біоетики та біобезпеки
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Item Клинический случай использования параметров продольной деформации при остром инфаркте миокарда(2019) Копица, Николай Павлович; Титаренко, Наталья Владимировна; Суманова, И.А.; Гончарь, Алексей Владимирович; Гончарь, Олексій Володимирович; Родионова, Юлия Валерьевна; Кобец, А.В.; Кутя, Инна Николаевна; Аболмасов, Александр НиколаевичItem Аналіз та діагностика стану навчального процесу на прикладі викладання дисципліни «фізична реабілітація та спортивна медицина» студентами Харківського національного медичного університету(2019) Латогуз, С. И.; Латогуз, Юрій Іванович; Latohuz, Jurii; Латогуз, Юрій ІвановичItem Эффективность действия козаара(2019) Латогуз, С.И.; Латогуз, Юрій Іванович; Латогуз, Юрий Иванович; Latohuz, JuriiItem Item Характеристика функціонального стану нирок у хворих на гіпертонічну хворобу та цукровий діабет 2 типу(2019-04-11) Ситіна, Ірина ВасилівнаItem Supramolecular complex sacubitril / valsartan - the first representative of a new class of drugs for the treatment of chronic heart failure(2019-12) Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ashcheulova, Tetyana; Компанієць, Кіра Миколаївна; Герасимчук, Ніна Миколаївна; Kompaniiets, K.; Gerasimchuk, N.Item Subclinical cardiac damage in cardiopulmonary polymorbidity. Part 2(KhNMU, 2019-10) Kochubiei, Oksana; Ambrosova, Tetyana; Ashcheulova, Tetyana; Honchar, Oleksii; Sytina, Iryna; Ащеулова, Тетяна; Амбросова, Тетяна; Кочубєй, Оксана; Гончарь, Олексій; Ситіна, ІринаHypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are frequent comorbid conditions in the internal medicine and are subject to meaningful cooperation among physicians, cardiologists, and pulmonologists. A combination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension presents certain diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. These conditions share common risk factors, similar clinical presentations and some common parts of pathogenesis. A problem of association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension may be currently discusses both as a simple combination of various clinical entities, and as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease resulting in development of factors contributing to hypertension. One way or another, either a simple combination, or a mutually aggravating syndrome, but we state there is a cardiorespiratory continuum where chronic obstructive pulmonary disease acts as a valid component of hypertension development, and vice versa. Thus, it seems to be relevant to study peculiarities of the structural and functional status of the cardiovascular system and microcirculation, systemic remodeling mechanisms, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-associated hypertension. Problems of additional cardiovascular risk marker development, treatment efficiency assessment remain topical. The use of electrocardiography and echocardiography with dopplerometry has been an important diagnostic principle of subclinical cardiovascular damage in presence of hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comorbidity. Non-invasive imaging methods play a central part in diagnosis of subclinical target organ damage. Wide implementation thereof is based on high diagnostic accuracy, common availability, safety and relatively low price.Item Early repolarization syndrome in modern interpretation(2019-08) Ashcheulova, Tetyana; Gerasimchuk, Nina; Sytina, IrynaRelevance of the study of early repolarization syndrome is associated with a high degree of its occurrence among the general population, namely among young people and people doing sports. Objective is to generalize the data of experimental and clinical studies which have found that the early repolarization syndrome is an idiopathic electrocardiographic phenomenon, which is considered by various specialists ambiguously; to assess the state of the cardiovascular system in the subjects, both adults and children with early repolarization syndrome, and to propose a diagnostic algorithm for detecting this phenomenon on the ECG when admitting to physical exercise and sports. The history of the development of early repolarization syndrome has been shown since 1936 to present time, which was first described by R. Shipley and W. Halleran. Clinical interest in ERS appeared as a result of a clinically established relationship with lethal arrhythmias in healthy people without structural changes in the heart. According to existing recommendations, the opinions of leading experts, including members of Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), the Asia-Pacific Society for Heart Rhythm (2015), it should be distinguish between the pattern and the syndrome of early ventricular repolarization. The Shanghai scale for the diagnosis of early repolarization syndrome, as well as the etiology, electrophysiology of early repolarization syndrome, its modern classification and electrocardiographic signs are presented. The features of early repolarization syndrome in athletes and in children, as well as the features of its treatment and prevention are shown. Conclusions. Thus, the early repolarization syndrome is an important cardiac problem. Future clinical and experimental studies should focus on finding out the exact causes and mechanisms for the development of the early repolarization syndrome and, ultimately, on developing strategies to prevent premature death from cardiac causes in individuals with this electrocardiogram disorder.Item Influence of menopause on leptin concentrations in women with metabolic syndrome(2019) Pytetska, NataliaItem Етичні проблеми використання стовбурових клітин у наукових дослідженнях та лікуванні(2019) Питецька, Наталя Іванівна; Граматюк, Світлана Миколаївна