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Title: English for Nursing. Self-study guide for Master’s degree students
Other Titles: Завдання для самостійної роботи з англійської мови для магістрантів фаху «Медсестринство»
Authors: Korneyko, I.
Iukhno, N.
Bogun, M.
Keywords: medical students
self-study guide
foreign language
teaching methodology
медичні студенти
посібник для самостійної роботи
іноземна мова
методика викладання
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Kharkiv National Medical University
Citation: English for Nursing. Self-study guide for Master’s degree students / comp.: I. V. Korneyko, N. V. Iukhno, M. V. Bogun. – Kharkiv : Kharkiv National Medical University, 2023. – 24 p.
Abstract: The authors of self-study guide for Master’s degree students with tasks for independent work in English language for the preparation of master's students in the field of "Nursing" aim to develop skills in working with English-language literature and to cultivate foreign language professional competence in students of the field. Reading skills in a foreign language are a guarantee of professional growth. This self-study guide consists of sixteen sections. Each of them contains a text from scientific or educational literature for reading and an exercise that helps to develop skills in searching for and processing information. The themes of the texts cover all necessary topics, and their selection has been carried out and condensed taking into account the requirements of foreign language teaching methodology. The publication is designed for students who possess knowledge of the English language and speaking skills at level B1+ in accordance with European recommendations on language education.
Description: Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 6 від 22.06.2023.
Appears in Collections:Навчально-методичні видання. Кафедра іноземних мов

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