Features of indicators of the hemostasis system in healthy pregnant women

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Hloba, Nataliia
Isaieva, Inna
Karmazina, Iryna

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Circadian rhythms manifest in food intake, appetite, digestion and metabolism, that is determined in variation of levels of hormones, absorption and transport of proteins carbohydrates, lipids, etc. (S. Almoosawi et al., 2016). Connection between meal schedule and circadian clock can become a vicious circle, as their misalignment may greatly influence the metabolic state of an organism causing weight changes, overweight and obesity development, increased risk of metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes of type 2, cardiovascular diseases, etc. (S. Banks et al., 2015), that endangers people’s health, and vice versa, realignment of biological clock with food plan can be a simple means of body weight normalization and health maintenance, thus providing the importance of researches going in that field.



circadian rhythms, food intake patterns


Features of indicators of the hemostasis system in healthy pregnant women / N. S. Hloba, I. M. Isaeva, I. S. Karmazina // Topical Issues of Modern Medicine : Abstracts of XV International Scientific Conference of Students, Scientists and Specialists, Kharkiv, March 28–29, 2019. – Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin KhNU, 2019. – Р. 343–344.