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2018Social medicine, public health (biostatistics) : methodical developments for teachers to conduct a practical lesson on the topic “History of formation and development of biostatistics as an independent science”Ohniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna; Lisova, Ganna
2018Social medicine, public health (biostatistics) : methodical instructions for students to the practical lesson on the topic “History of formation and development of biostatistics as an independent science”Ohniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna; Lisova, Ganna
2019Graphical methods of the statistical analysisOhniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna
2019Social medicine, public health (biostatistics) : methodical instructions for students to the practical lesson on the topic “Graphical methods of the statistical analysis”Ohniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna
2018Social medicine, public health (biostatistics) : methodical instructions for students to the practical lesson on the topic “History of formation and development of biostatistics as an independent science”Ohniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna
2018Social medicine, public health (biostatistics) : methodical developments for teachers to conduct a practical lesson on the topic “History of formation and development of biostatistics as an independent science”Ohniev, Viktor; Podpriadova, Anna; Chukhno, Inna

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