Family role in medical decision making (moral&legal aspect)

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Kompaniiets, Kira
Ashcheulova, Tetyana
Okparabenyo, Edirin Jennifer

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The surrogate will make decisions, “in accordance with the patient’s wishes, including the patient’s religious and moral beliefs or, if the patient’s wishes are not reasonably known and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, in accordance with the patient’s best interest. An assessment of the patient’s best interests shall include: consideration of the dignity and uniqueness of every person; the possibility and extent of preserving the patient’s life; the preservation, improvement or restoration of the patient’s health or functioning; the relief of the patient’s suffering; and any medical condition and such other concern and values as a reasonable person in the patient’s circumstances would wish to consider.



moral & legal aspect, family role


Okparabenyo E. J. Family role in medical decision making (moral&legal aspect) / E. J. Okparabenyo, K. Kompaniiets, T. Ashcheulova // Implementation of bioethics principles in clinical practice : IV International Scientific student's conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of Kharkiv National Mеdical University, Kharkiv, 31th of March 2015 : abstract book. – Kharkiv, 2015. – P. 46.