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634-740-1-PB.pdf.jpg2016-10-24Clinical, neurophysiological and immunological peculiarities of myasthenia gravis in patients with different histologic types of thymomaTovazhnyanska, Olena; Samoilova, Hanna; Protsenko, Olena; Remnyova, Natalia; Kostya, Yuri
Cerebrovascular_insufficiency_and_diabetic_encephalopathy_in_patients_with_type_2_diabetes_mellitus.pdf.jpg2014Cerebrovascular in-sufficiency and diabetic encephalopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusTovazhnyanska, Elena; Bezuglova, Irina
Товажнянская_Самойлова_MNS-8(71)-2015.pdf.jpg2015Emergency conditions in the patients with myasthenia gravis. clinical case of complicated course of generalized myasthenia gravis after thymthymomectomyTovazhnyanska, Olena; Samoilova, Hanna
Methodical aspects of Doppler ultrasound of the vertebrobasilar system.pdf.jpg2019-01Methodical aspects of Doppler ultrasound of the vertebrobasilar systemRizvan, Abdullaiev; Olena, Tovazhnyanska; Ruslan, Abdullaiev; Olena, Markovska; Mykhailo, Navruzov
Two-Dimensional Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of the Causes of Various.pdf.jpg2018-02-20Two-Dimensional Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of the Causes of Various Types of Low Back PainТоважнянская, Елена Леонидовна; Абдуллаев, Ризван Ягубович; Цимбалюк, Виталий Иванович; Абдуллаев, Роман Ризванович; Abdullaiev, Rizvan; Tsymbalyuk, Vitaliy; Tovazhnyanska, Olena; Abdullaiev, Roman
Сlinical-morphological peculiarities of the perihperal nervous system in different types of the multiple sclerosis course.pdf.jpg2018Clinical-morphological pecularities of the peripheral nervous system in different types of the multiple sclerosis courseМарковская, Елена Владимировна; Шапкин, Антон Сергеевич; Лунина, Алина Олеговна; Markovska, Olena; Shapkin, A.; Lunina, A.
Effectiveness of intravenous Isoniazid and Ethambutol administration in patients with tuberculosis meningoencephalitis and HIV infection.pdf.jpg2019-08Effectiveness of intravenous Isoniazid and Ethambutol administration in patients with tuberculosis meningoencephalitis and HIV infectionButov, Dmytro; Feshchenko, Yurii; Kuzhko, Mykhailo; Gumeniuk, Mykola; Yurko, Kateryna; Grygorova, Alina; Tkachenko, Anton; Nekrasova, Natalia; Tlustova, Tetiana; Kikinchuk, Vasyl; Peshenko, Alexandr; Butova, Tetiana
Clinical features of different forms of myasthenia depending on structural changes in thymus.pdf.jpg2019-10-21Clinical features of different forms of myasthenia depending on structural changes in thymusSamoilova, Hanna
Changes of vitamins B1, B12 as predicting factors of peripheral polyneuropaty in pulmonary in tubercolosis patients.pdf.jpg2020-03Changes of vitamins B1, B12 as predicting factors of peripheral polyneuropaty in pulmonary in tubercolosis patientsШвець, Ольга Миколаївна; Шевченко, Ольга Станіславівна; Тодоріко, Лілія Дмитрівна; Товажнянська, Олена Леонідівна; Дубинська, Ольга Ігоровна; Островський, Микола Миколайович; Макойда, Ірина Яремівна; Єременчук, Інга Василівна; Shvets, Olga; Shevchenko, Olga; Todoriko, Liliia; Tovaznyanska, Olena; Dubynska, Olga; Ostrovskyi, Mykola; Makoyda, Iryna; Yeremenchuk, Inga
Changes in S100 protein expression in the cerebellum of rats orally exposed to energy drinks .pdf.jpg2019-12-20Changes in S100 protein expression in the cerebellum of rats orally exposed to energy drinksТкаченко, Антон Сергійович; Губіна-Вакулік, Галина Иванівна; Каук, Оксана Іванівна; Оніщенко, Анатолій Ігорович; Шеховцова, Есміра Вадимівна; Tkachenko, Anton; Gubina-Vakulyck, Galina; Kauk, Oksana; Onishchenko, Anatolii; Shekhovtsova, Esmira; Nakonechna, Oksana