Male androgen defict and chronic infections as factors chronic replaced urolithiasis

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Knigavko, Oleksandr
Lisovyi, Volodymyr
Arkatov, Andriy

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Chronic replaced urolithiasis (CRU) development dependence on the age. The wide use preservatives, stabilizators and increased amounts of flour products in meal leads to the decrease of urine pH and alter of the physical and chemical urine content that rises lithogenesis. Urolithias and its clinical symptoms become one of the most recurring problems in modern urology. Anomalies of urosexual path, infravesical obstruction, damaged exchange of microelements, hormonal disbalans, hypopolyvitaminosis, heritaged problems, hypodynamia, living in endemic areas are the anatomo-physiological factors which traditionally contribute to appear of concrements. But some of European people who suffer from chronic replaced urolithias don’t have such factors. In our previous clinical studies it have been proved that one of the most common reasons of CRU development was the presence of chronic urine tract infection mostly Ureaplasma Urealitycum. Target of current research is to investigate the pathogenetic factors of CRU in patients without anatomo-physiological variations of urosexual path depending on their age.



uroliyhiasis, Ureaplasma, uroliyhimale androgen deficit


Knigavko O. Male androgen defict and chronic infections as factors chronic replaced urolithiasis / O. Knigavko, V. Lesovoy, A. Arkatov // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. – 2014. – Vol. 11, Issue Suppl. S1 : 16th Annual Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine and the 12th Congress of the European sexology Federation, Istanbul, Turkey, January 29-february 1, 2014. – Р. 72.