Affective disorders in patients with stable angina and methods of its correction

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Vvedenska, A.
Tytova, Ganna

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The psychopathological disorders, observed in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, characterized by polymorphisms of symptoms, self-dynamics, complicat the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The aim of our study was to identify the degree of affective dysfunction in patients with stable angina (SA) II-III FC before and after the treatment. 57 patients were examined: 33 women (57.89%) and 24 men (42.11%) with a mean age of 64 ± 4,4 years. The first group included 27 patients (47.37%) with II FC of angina, second- 30 patients with III FC of angina (52, 63%). Comorbid pathology occurred: 13 patients (22.8%) – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 19 patients (33.4%)- diabetes type II. Evaluation of depressive anxiety disorders was carried out according to Beck and Hamilton scales before and after the 14-day treatment with fluoxetine (1st -20 mg,2nd -40 mg). In the 1st group depressive disorder was mild (12 points), in the 2nd group - moderate (20 points) according to the Hamilton scale. According to Beck's scale in the 1st group 17 patients (62.96%) had mild depression, 10 (37.12%) - moderate depression with prevalence of affective-anxiety component. In the 2nd group there was a depression with small affective and anxiety component. Patients with comorbid disorders had expressed depression. After the correction state of 1st gr. patients normalized, in the 2nd – there was mild depression without affective and anxiety component. Patients with comorbid disorders had moderate depression. Fluoxetine can be used in patients with cardiovascular diseases due to the minimal side –effects in this group of patients. There is a dose- depending effect of fluoxetine in patients with stable angina of different severity.




Vvedenska A. Affective disorders in patients with stable angina and methods of its correction / A. Vvedenska, G. Tytova // 6th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young doctors, Kharkiv, 16–17 May 2013 : Abstract book / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2013. – Р. 97