Changes in the level of interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 in response to angioproteCtive therapy in Children with severe birth asphyxia

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Danylova, Viktoria
Ovcharenko, Sergey
Kalnytska, Violetta

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The development of clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response significantly expanded the use of this concept in clinical practice. The correlation between the levels of antiinflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines is an important aspect in regulation of systemic inflammatory response. Treatment of systemic inflammatory response includes three main links: effect on the levels of endotoxin, cytokines and the state of endothelium. Currently there is no unified approach to the solution of this problem, which determines the relevance of the topic. The aim of the research was to study the efficacy of the deproteinized hemodialysate from the newborn calf blood in systemic inflammatory response in newborns with severe asphyxia at birth.



interleukin, angioprotective therapy, asphyxia


Ovcharenko S. S. Changes in the level of interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 in response to angioproteCtive therapy in Children with severe birth asphyxia / S. S. Ovcharenko, V. V. Danylova, V. Kalnitskaya // Medical journal. – 2020. – Vol. 54, Issue 1. – P. 18–22. – Kraguevac, Serbia.