Thermodynamic model of dielectric relaxation of micro/nanoparticle: effect of temperature jump

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Batyuk, Liliya
Kizilova, Nataliya
Borodkina, Anna

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The theoretical results of investigation have been compared to the measurement data of blood samples of healthy individuals and blood samples of the patients who underwent chemo- and x-ray therapy of tumors (before and after the treatment). It is shown the hydrated shells of the micoparticles and nanoparticles are influenced by the particle geometry, curvature of the interfaces, relaxation phenomena in the MW fields, and ambient temperature.



Fourier heat, Darcy mass, chemotherapy, X-ray therapy, entropy, Helmholtz free energy


Batyuk L. V. Thermodynamic model of dielectric relaxation of micro/nanoparticle: effect of temperature jump / L. V. Batyuk, N. N. Kizilova, A. N. Borodkina // Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2020 (CM & LTP 2020) : International Advanced Study Conference, June 8–14, 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine : Book of abstracts / B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (ILTPE) of NAS of Ukraine. – Kharkiv, 2020. – P. 127.