Motivation as one of the constituent components of the model of the system of medical and psychological support for the process of adaptation of medical college students to work in primary positions

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Gryshnjaeva, Olena
Mеlnychenko, Oleksandr
Yeryomenko, Galyna
Grigoruk, Victoria
Antsupova, Vita
Vanina, Yana

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During 2015–2018 Students of the Kharkov Regional Medical College (100 experimental people and 100 control groups) studied the types of motivation of medical personnel to work in key positions. The article analyzes the relationship between motivation and the individual – typological characteristics of the person using the psychodiagnostic methodology of the individually – typological questionnaire L.N. Sobchik and author's profile A.V. Grishnyaeva. Аfter analyzing the above data, we can say that a combination of motivation or its absence with certain individual and typological characteristics of individuals leads to different results of adaptation to the primary positions of future medical workers. The imbalance of individual-personality structures and motivation leads to an accentuation of character, which contributes to maladaptation and professional burnout. Given the connection between motivation and individual – typological characteristics of the personality, it is possible to make the correct personnel distribution and prevent the professional burnout of employees.



material and non material motivation, students, adaptation, individually-typological features, medical workers


Motivation as one of the constituent components of the model of the system of medical and psychological support for the process of adaptation of medical college students to work in primary positions / O. Gryshnjaeva, O. Меlnychenko, G. Yeryomenko [al. in.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – Volume LXXIII, Issue 6, June. – 2020. – Р. 1164–1168.