The process of scientific knowledge integration in crime prevention and trends of medical criminalistics development in ukraine in XIX - early XX century

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Shepitko, Valery
Olkhovsky, Vasyl
Shepitko, Mykhaylo

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The aim: To carry out a historical review of the formation and development of medical forensics in the XIX - early XX century in Ukraine, as well as to identify its trends at the present stage. Materials and methods: The article is based on the study of archival and published materials, the results of integrating expert judgments, judicial practice and regulatory acts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, interviewing investigators and court experts. In the course of the research a system of scientific methods has been used: historical, comparative, terminological analysis, formal,logical, sociological. Conclusions: In the XIX and early XX centuries, the foundations for the formation of medical criminalistics were laid, which facilitated the development of forensic medicine, criminalistics and forensic examination. Special medical knowledge is widely used in investigative, judicial and expert practice. The synthesis of medical and forensic knowledge enhanced the development of a method of personal identification, based on his/her genetic properties, the formation of molecular genetic examination, the study of individual objects at the modern level.



medical criminalistics, criminalistic knowledge, medical knowledge, forensic sciences, molecular expertise


Shepitko V. Y. The process of scientific knowledge integration in crime prevention and trends of medical criminalistics development in ukraine in XIX - early XX century / V. Yu. Shepitko, V. O. Olkhovsky, M. V. Shepitko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2020. – № 73 (1). – P. 176–179.