Metabolic, enzymatic and mineral maintenance ofreparative osteogenesis of facial cranium injuries

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Grigorova, Alina
Grigorov, Sergiy

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Published in cooperation with and under the patronage of the Tbilisi State Medical University


Aim - study of marker enzymes, hormonal and carbohydrate– protein indicators of the state of reparative osteogenesis in pa- tients with complicated and uncomplicated course of injuries of facial cranium. The study included 81 patients with injuries of facial crani- um, which were divided into 2 groups, depending on the pres- ence of complications. The following enzyme indicators were © GMN studied: the level of excretion of hydroxyproline in daily urine; alkaline and acid phosphatase activity; the percentage of bone isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase. To assess the mineral me- tabolism, the level of total and ionized calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the blood serum, as well as their excretion in the urine, were determined. To assess the state of metabolism, the concentration of glycosaminoglycans and their fractions in the blood serum were studied. To study the structural and functional state of the bone tissue the densitometry was performed. In patients with complicated course of injuries of facial crani- um assosiated with traumatic brain injury there was revealed the increase (р<0,05) of: excretion of phosphorus, uronic acids and oxyproline, while the excretion of calcium was not disturbed (р>0,05), and excretion of magnesium was decreased (р<0,05). It was found out that the level of calcium of blood serum in patients with complicated course is significantly (р<0,05) lower than in the control group and does not depend on the presence of craniocerebral injury (р>0,05). The decrease of the level of ionized calcium content in blood serum can be the confirmation of lower metabolic activity of reparative osteogenesis process- es, first of all at the expense of damage of central mechanisms. When studying the content of carbohydrate–protein metabolites by complicated course of injuries of facial cranium, the absolute increase (р<0,05) of concentration of chondroitin–6–sulfates was revealed, and during the analysis of results it was found out that in absolute values, as well as in structural indexes, the specific weight of various fractions changes, that can be the evi- dence of instability of mechanisms of osteogenesis and of dam- age of physiological mechanisms of reparative osteogenesis. Densitometric equivalents of forming of complicated course of injuries of facial cranium are the increase of broadband ultra- sonic attenuation and the decrease of its spreading speed on the background of low levels of chondroitin–6–sulfates.



injuries of facial cranium, complicated course, diagnostics, reparative osteogenesis


Grigorova A. Metabolic, enzymatic and mineral maintenance ofreparative osteogenesis of facial cranium injuries / A. Grigorova, S. Grigorov // Georgian medical news. – 2019. – № 5 (290). – P. 12–16.