Cell Cultured Mycoplasma Agglutinin: New Possibilities for Monitorin

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Bobrovitska, I.
Dunayeva, H.
Stegniy, B.

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Monitoring of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) infection combined with regulatory measures (segregation – rejection – sanitation) is the only effective approach to avoid losses of profit in poultry business, which is still observed worldwide. The main tools for MG monitoring include serum plate agglutination (SPA), hemagglutination-inhibition test (HI) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The SPA is much more universal and quick test for different poultry species comparing to other assays. Here we report the results of our attempt to enhance mycoplasma antigen competence in early-term diagnostics of mycoplasma infection in poultry flocks.


Conclusions. Application of our approach for MG monitoring in commercial flocks (n=4) allowed to catch seropositive laying hens with experimental MG-Ag three weeks earlier comparing to routine diagnostic methods. Therefore our experimental MG-Agcc for SPA is promising for improvement of MG monitoring aimed at earlier revealing of MG carriers among laying hens in commercial flocks.


mycoplasma gallisepticum, monitoring, poultry


Bobrovitska I. Cell Cultured Mycoplasma Agglutinin: New Possibilities for Monitoring / I. Bobrovitska, H. Dunayeva, B. Stegniy // Fourth Annual BTRP Ukraine Regional One Health Research Symposium, Kyiv, Ukraine, 20–24 May 2019 : abstract directory. – Kyiv, 2019. – Р. 65.