Formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School

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Zhernovnykova, O.
Nalyvaiko, O.
Nalyvaiko, N.

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A scientific analysis of the essence of the concepts of “information and digital preparation of the future teacher”, “information and digital competence”, “digitalization of education”, and “the New Ukrainian School” has been carried out. The article proves that one of the factors contributing to the effective development of the educational process is the formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian school, because in education precedes a new ideology based on “Digital project activity” and “Digitalization” of education, where in place of traditional teachers come «gaming-teachers», «coordinators of online platforms and educational trajectories». It is determined that the result of the formation of information and digital training of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School is a formed information and digital competence, which is composed of: motivational-value, cognitive, operational components. The research methods have been characterized for verification of the formation of the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School according to certain criteria (motivational, cognitive, reflexive-corrective).The results of the conducted questionnaires, testing and interrogation provided grounds to state mainly the medium and low levels of formation of the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School. On the basis of the obtained results, theoretically substantiated the concept and developed the technology of forming the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian school, which is planned to be implemented at the following stages: professional-motivational, content-activity, reflexive-correctional.



information and digital competence, formation, future teacher, concept, technology, means


Zhernovnykova O. A. Formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School / O. A. Zhernovnykova, O. O. Nalyvaiko, N. A. Nalyvaiko // Theory and practice of introduction of competence approach to higher education in Ukraine : monograph / ed.: I. M. Trubavina, S. T. Zolotukhina. – Vienna : Premier Publishing, 2019. – P. 208–216.