The role of endothelial lipase in the diagnosis of cardiovascular risk in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertension and insulin resistance subjects

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Bashkirova, Anna
Babak, Oleg

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now recognized as the most common disease in hepatology, and is also often accompanied by hypertension. Insulin resistance(IR) and endothelial dysfunction, in which metabolism endothelial lipase (EL) plays a leading role, are links in a chain and play an important role in the development of cardiovascular risk (CVR). Therefore, our aim was to determine the blood levels of EL for the early detection of CVR in patients with NAFLD in hypertension and IR subjects. Increased levels of EL is inherent in all patients with NAFLD and hypertension. However, in patients with NASH and hypertension formed an additional association between the level of EL and HbA1С, which allows to consider EL as an additional predictor of CVR.



NAFLD, endothelial lipase


Bashkirova A. The role of endothelial lipase in the diagnosis of cardiovascular risk in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertension and insulin resistance subjects / A. Bashkirova, O. Babak // NAFLD summit 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, 20–22 September 2018 : Abstract book. – Geneva, 2018. – P. 39.