Influence of cigarette smoking duration on endothelial cell function

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Popova, T.
Gorbach, Tetiana
Tsygankova, T.
Shushliapina, N.

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Objective. Cigarette smoking represents an important factor for development of cardiovascular diseases. Both the amount and duration of cigarette consumption are in direct correlation to the increase in cardiovascular pathology. The aim of our research was to evaluate the influence of the cigarette smoking duration on the nitrate, nitrite, Snitrosothiols and endothelin-1 levels in saliva of smokers. Methods. For the purpose of this study, a total number of 60 subjects were recruited. They were divided into 4 groups based on the duration of cigarette consumption – non smokers – control (n=15); group I (n=15) – consumption of cigarettes for 2 years; group II (n=15) – 4 years and group III (n=15) – 6 years. The blood pressure, weight and height of all subjects were measured. Body mass index was calculated. Determination of nitrate, nitrite, S-nitrosothiols and endothelin-1 was done in each salivary sample collected from 60 subjects. Results. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure did not differ between the control group and group I. These parameters were significantly greater in group II and group III subjects compared to controls. Smokers of all groups and nonsmokers had normal body mass index values. The levels of salivary nitrate, nitrite and S-nitrosothiols were significantly lower in group II and group III compared to control group. Salivary endothelin-1 concentrations were significantly higher in subjects of group II and group III than controls. Conclusion. In this study the substantial differences between smokers and non-smokers in levels of stable metabolites of NO and endothelin-1 are due to the causal effects of smoking.



cigarette smoking, saliva, nitrates, nitrites, S-nitrosothiols, endothelin-1, endothelium


Influence of cigarette smoking duration on endothelial cell function / T. M. Popova, T. V. Gorbach, T. I. Tsygankova, N. O. Shushliapina // Medical Journal (Krag). – 2018. – Vol. 52, Issue 3. – Р. 98–104.