Functionаl fund of iron аnd solublе trаnsfеrrin rеcеptor аs а mаrkеr of еrythropoiеsis аctivity in pаtiеnts with аnеmiа on bаckground of chronic hеаrt fаilurе аnd chronic kidnеy disеаsе

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Єрмак, Олександра Сергіївна
Ebenezer, Aheto
Yermak, Oleksandra

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Prevalence of anemia in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) rises up to 79%, depending on diagnostic definition, disease severity and patient characteristics. Thus, anemia has been recognized as a very common and serious comorbidity in patients with cardiorenal pathology. A clear association of anemia with worse prognosis has been confirmed in multiple heart failure trials. Interest of researchers focused on the study of new markers for assessing the functional state of red bone marrow in anemic patients with various underlying pathological conditions. The aim - to evaluate the functional fund of iron based on determining the dynamics of transferrin saturation (TSAT) and activity of erythropoiesis based on determining the dynamics of soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) level in patients with CHF and CKD with anemia varying grades of severity.




Yermak O. Functionаl fund of iron аnd solublе trаnsfеrrin rеcеptor аs а mаrkеr of еrythropoiеsis аctivity in pаtiеnts with аnеmiа on bаckground of chronic hеаrt fаilurе аnd chronic kidnеy disеаsе / O. Yermak, A. Ebenezer // ISIC-2018 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 23–25 May, 2018] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2018. – P. 141.