Prevention of vascular dementia in the elderly patients

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Malyk, Nataliia
Малик, Наталья Витальевна
Малик, Наталія Віталіївна

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Vascular dementia is violation of cognitive function in elderly people as a result of small cerebral infarcts on the background of hypertension. Cognitive impairments are manifested by a decrease memory for current events, a decrease concentration of attention, slowing of thinking, narrowing of the circle of interests. Cognitive impairments may be moderate, but may reach a degree of dementia. Cognitive impairments is often accompanied by behavioral disorders (irritability, aggressiveness) and affective impairments (anxiety, depression). Cognitive impairments is a significant factor of disease prognosis, the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation. They determine the dynamics of the quality of life and social adaptation of patients.



vascular dementia, cognitive impairments, cognitive dysfunction


Malyk N. V. Prevention of vascular dementia in the elderly patients / N. V. Malyk // Патологія судин з позицій поліпрофільного підходу : матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, Харків, 16 березня 2018 р. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2018. – С. 11–12.