Regional and clinical-epidemiological peculiarities of babesiosis in Ukraine

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Tsymbaliuk, V.
Torianyk, I.
Sorokina, I.

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In this article the authors presented generalized data about the regional, clinical and epidemiological features of babesiosis in Ukraine. The authors of the article substantiated the factors of danger of this parasitosis, which are related to the geo-climatic features of the prevalence of pathogens of the disease and their carriers in Ukrainian regions, the high susceptibility of the human organism to this parasitic invasion, certain clinical polymorphism of the disease. On the example of the detection of new types of Babesia the analysis of the resources, capabilities and prospects of modern diagnostic methods taking into account regional specifics were carried out. The material about the clinical and epidemiological features of the babesiosis development was described in detail, the conclusions were confirmed by digital material.



babesiosis, Ukraine, clinical and epidemiological features


Tsymbaliuk V. Regional and clinical-epidemiological peculiarities of babesiosis in Ukraine / V. Tsymbaliuk, I. Torianyk, I. Sorokina // Regional innovations. – 2017. – № 4. – P.16–20.