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Title: Use of the method of assessing the life quality for a comprehensive assessment of the obese children health status
Authors: Pomohaibo, Kateryna
Keywords: life quality
Issue Date: 25-Oct-2017
Citation: Pomogaybo E. G. Use of the method of assessing the life quality for a comprehensive assessment of the obese children health status / E. G. Pomogaybo // Історична спадщина та сучасні аспекти забезпечення громадського здоров’я в Україні : матеріали науково-практичної конференції, з нагоди 140-річчя від дня народження С. А. Томіліна (1877–1952), видатного соціал-гігієніста та демографа, завідувача кафедри соціальної гігієни Харківського медичного інституту (м. Харків, 25 жовт. 2017 р.). – Харків, 2017. – С. 87.
Abstract: Evaluation of the life quality, in comparison with traditional medical methods, allows a complete and objective assessment of the patient's health and to develop an integrated and rational approach for treatment. We conducted a survey of 237 obese children and adolescents aged 9 to 17. It was found that life quality of the largest number of children and adolescents, namely 79.3% corresponded to the average level. It was revealed that the quality of life of children and adolescents with complicated forms is much lower than in children with uncomplicated obesity, 62.62% ± 0.43 and 48.26% ± 1.04, respectively. When analyzing individual spheres of life of children and adolescents with this pathology, it was noted that the index of life quality was most influenced by physical and psychoemotional functioning.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра громадського здоров'я та управління охороною здоров'я

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