Structural-functional state of cardiovascular system in children with different forms of bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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Chernenko, Larysa

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Children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia have been found to have presenting imbalance of proteinase-proteinases inhibitor system, which at the first stages, performing the «program of natural protection from excessive proteolysis activity», creates structural (histologic) conditions for further intensification of pathologic process. Such constituents as the duration of artificial lung ventilation, gestation term and body mass at birth, activity of proteinase-proteinases inhibitors system components, acid-base balance of blood, heartbeat rate and mean pulmonary artery pressure influence the prediction of outcome. It is possible to draw a conclusion that it could be expedient to use these factors for comprehensive estimation when predicting favorable outcome of BPD.



bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cardiovascular system, children


Chernenko L. Structural-functional state of cardiovascular system in children with different forms of bronchopulmonary dysplasia / L. Chernenko // Innovative educational technologies: experience of the European Union and its introduction into the process of training of medical workers : The scientific and pedagogical internship, Lublin, Republic of Poland, August 11–12, 2017. – Lublin, 2017. – P. 46–49.