The undifferentiated connectivetissue dysplasia syndrome as a predisposition of varicose veins of the legs in young women

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Заздравнов, Андрей Анатольевич
Zazdravnov, Andrey
Parkhomenko, Kirill
Пархоменко, Кирилл Юрьевич

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The undifferentiated connective-tissue dysplasia syndromes (UCTDS) is a very common disease with a variety of clinical manifestation in different organs. Varicose veins of the legs (VVL) refers to the most frequent vascular pathology in young people. According to some phlebologists, connective-tissue dysplasia is the main cause of VVL, especially in young people. Disturbances in the metabolism of collagen and elastin in individuals with UCTDS can cause changes in the mechanical properties of the vascular wall and venous valves.



undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, elastin, collagen, Varicose veins of the legs


Zazdravnov A. A. The undifferentiated connectivetissue dysplasia syndrome as a predisposition of varicose veins of the legs in young women / А. А. Zazdravnov, К. Yu. Parkhomenko // Український ревматологічний журнал. – 2017. – № 3 (69). – С. 88.