Emergency contraception without doctor's supervision – risk and consequences

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Karnaukh, Ella
Scherbina, D.
Firanska, V.

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Presents the modern data available literature about the main methods of emergency contraception for protection from the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies, which are most popular among modern young women. Summarizes the basic medical and non-medical indications for the unauthorized use of these emergency methods. We discuss the basic rules of the competent use of medicinal and traditional, including such popular folk, contraceptives taking into account the contraindications to the use of high-hormonal drugs (Postinor, Ovulen, Eskapel). Presents the results of the survey among 100 young women 18-24 years of age, dedicated to their common objective of health literacy and awareness about the dangers and consequences of unauthorized use of different methods of emergency contraception without a doctor's supervision with respect to its women's health and future motherhood.



long-term consequences, emergency contraception, Eskapel, indications and contraindications for high-hormonal contraceptives


Karnaukh E. V. Emergency contraception without doctor's supervision – risk and consequences [Electronic resource] / E. V. Karnaukh, D. V. Scherbina, V. Eu. Firanska // European student scientific journal. – 2017. – № 1. – Access mode: http://sjes.esrae.ru/ru/article/view?id=400.