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LECTURE 5 CVS InsPalPer2015.pdf.jpg2015Examination of the patients with cardiovascular pathology: inquiry, inspection, palpation of precordial region, percussion of the heartAshcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
LECTURE 6 CVS Ausc2015.pdf.jpg2015Auscultation of the heart: heart sounds and their changes; heart murmurs and their diagnostic significanceAshcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
LECTURE 2geninsp2015.pdf.jpg2015-09-17General Inspection of the patientAshcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
LECTURE 7 ECG1 2015.pdf.jpg2015Basis of clinical electrocardiography: Principle of the method. Normal ECG and its analysis. The main ECG syndromes of the myocardium damage (hypertrophy, ischemia, injury,necrosis)Ashcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
LECTURE 1 2015.pdf.jpg2015-09The main methods of patients examination. Inquiry of the patient. Anamnesis morbi and vitaeAshcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
LECTURE 4 RS ausc2015.pdf.jpg2015Auscultation of the lungs: the main and additional respiratory sounds, their diagnostic significanceAshcheulova, Tetyana; Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна; Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна

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