Characteristics of the risk factor for congenital disorders in newborns

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Gonchar, Margaryta
Buzhinska, Nadiya
Boychenko, Alena
Riga, Helena
Kondratova, Iryna
Komova, Viktoriya

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In order to objectify risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in newborns the study implied the assessment of mothers’ medical records, labor characteristics, gestational age of 50 newborn infants who died of congenital heart diseases and 50 healthy newborns. The authors determined that fatal outcomeininfants with congenital heart diseases is 5.4 times more likely to occur in physiological pregnancythan innewborns with non-cardiac perinatal abnormalities. However, the risk of giving birth to a baby with congenital heart disease and unfavorable course increases in comorbidities, typical for pregnancy (2.6 times), acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy (6.1 times), bacterial and / or viral infections before and during pregnancy (53 times)



newborns, the risk of congenital heart defects


Characteristics of the risk factor for congenital disorders in newborns / M. O. Gonchar, O. O. Riga, A. D. Boychenko, I. Yu. Kondratova, V. O. Komova, N. R. Buzhynskaya // Inter collegаs journal. – 2016. – Vol. 3, № 1. – Р. 35–39.