The interaction between left ventricular remodeling with different phenotypes of GLN27GLU Polymorphism in β2-adrenoreceptor gene in patients with coronary heart disease and obesity

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Кадикова, Ольга Ігорівна
Olawole Olawole Martins
Kadykova, Olga

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The aim of the research was to estimate the relationships between left ventricular structural and functional parameters with different types of Gln27Glu polymorphism of β2-adrenoreceptor gene in patients with coronary heart disease and obesity. Conclusions. The study showed no association between left ventricular structural and functional changes and different types of Gln27Glu polymorphism of β2-adrenoreceptor gene in patients with coronary heart disease and obesity.



coronary heart disease, obesity, β2-adrenoreceptor gene, Gln27Glu polymorphism, left ventricular remodeling


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