Features of linguistic and communicative components in teaching foreign students of Ukrainian Medical Universities

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Васильева, Оксана Васильевна
Vasylyev, D.
Vasylieva, O.

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The problem of full higher education in preparing qualified specialists is an urgent task of medical schools, not only in Ukraine but in many other countries. Over the last few years, the number of foreign students enrolled at the English medium of Kharkiv National Medical University (KhNMU) has significantly increased (by 2500 students from 80 countries). Most of them are representatives of Asian and African countries where English is not the native language. This fact has led not only to increasing requirements for linguistic and pedagogical teacher training, but to the necessity of acquiring intercultural communication skills, based on the knowledge of the respective national cultures of foreign students, as well as their ethnic and social psychology.


The level of mastering new material greatly depends on the quality of foreign students’ pre-university and language training. The situation is further complicated by the fact that starting from the first year (especially in the department of biology), students should memorize (and the first and foremost, understand) the meaning of numerous terms in Latin and Greek, which are important for medical and pharmaceutical terminology. Medical English terminology is the basic requirement for our first-year students. However, if students’ English is weak, the university can organize additional classes in the department of foreign languages for them.


linguistic, communicative, higher education, pre-university


Vasylieva O. V. Features of linguistic and communicative components in teaching foreign students of Ukrainian Medical Universities / O. V. Vasylieva, D. V. Vasylyev // Fremdsprachenvermittlung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit : аbstracts of the Third Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching (Saarbrücken, Germany, 29–31 October 2015). – [S.l : S.n], 2015. – Р. 125–126.