Pomohaibo, Kateryna2015-10-022015-10-022015-01-20Pomogaybo E. G. Monitoring of weight and height in order to identify the truth of the prevalence of obesity and overweight among schoolchildren 6-17 years / E. G. Pomogaybo // Медицина третього тисячоліття : збірник тез міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів, Харків, 20 січня 2015 р. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2015. – С. 401.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9935We held a copy of examinations data of 8 schools in October district, in Kharkov. Overweight and obesity verified using the international criteria of BMI by age and sex of the child (T. Cole and ed.). We have processed data 3227 schoolchildren aged 6 to17 years old. The prevalence of obesity among our studied population of children and adolescents aged 6-17 years is 6% of excess body weight is 9.6%.enexaminations dataBMIschoolchildrenobesityMonitoring of weight and height in order to identify the truth of the prevalence of obesity and overweight among schoolchildren 6-17 years.Thesis