Diudina, IrynaYanishen, IhorTomilin, VyacheslavPohorila, AllaMovchan, OlhaPereshyvailova, Iryna2023-06-072023-06-072023Anti homotoxic drugs using in dental practice / I. L. Diudina, I. V. Yanishen, V. Tomilin, A. V. Pohorila, O. V. Movchan, I. A. Pereshyvailova // Georgian medical news. – 2022. – No 11 (332). – P. 99–102.1512-0112https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32184In modern conditions, against the background of increasing numbers of complications when using potent chemicals, it became necessary to looking for alternative medicines, such as homeopathic medicines.en“TRAUMEEL®S”homeopathic therapymaxillofacial regionAnti homotoxic drugs using in dental practiceArticle