Kozko, VolodymyrBondarenko, AndriyKatsapov, DmytroYurko, KaterinaGradil, GrigoryMohylenets, OlenaSokhan, Anton2018-12-122018-12-122018Workbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of education / ed. by V. M. Kozko. – Kharkiv : KNMU press, 2018. – 148 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21993Workbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of education contains educational plan of practical studies of the subject, lists of control questions, practical skills and tests for self control and designed for improvement of self preparation to the course.eninfectiousdiseasesWorkbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of educationWorkbook