Popova, LiudmylaPolikarpova, Anna2012-12-142012-12-142012Popova L. D. Biochemistry : Manual for medical students or interns / L. D. Popova, A. V. Polikarpova – Kharkiv : KNMU, 2011. – 539 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2478The manual summarizes current knowledge relevant to the static, dynamic, and functional biochemistry. Structure and metabolism of basic classes of biomolecules (proteins, amino acids, nucleic acid, nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids) are considered. Modern conceptions of molecular biology and genetics, biochemical bases of physiological functions and neurohumoral regulation are elucidated. Biochemistry of blood, kidney, muscle, liver, immune, nervous, connective tissue is presented. Molecular mechanisms of metabolic disorders of different classes of substances and pathways of their correction are discussed. The book is dedicated to the medical students and interns.enbiochemistrystructure of proteins and amino acidscarbohydrates and their derivativesstructure and functions of lipidsstructure of nucleotides and nucleic acidsenzymesvitaminsbiological oxidationhormonescarbohydrate metabolismlipid metabolismmetabolism of simple proteinsnucleic acid metabolismsynthesis of protein ant Its regulationbloodimmune processesbiochemistry of kidneybiochemistry of livernervous tissuemuscle tissueconnective tissueBiochemistrySchoolbook