Chernobay, LarysaVashuk, M.Alekseienko, RomanKovalyov, MaxymSokol, O.2019-11-082019-11-082019The state of functional asymmetry as index of adaptation to training process / L. V. Chernobay, M. A. Vashuk, R. V. Alekseienko, M. M. Kovaliov, O. M. Sokol // Фізіологічний журнал, Київ. – 2019. – Том 65, № 3, додаток : Матеріали XX-го з’їзду Українського фізіологічного товариства ім. П. Г. Костюка з міжнародною участю, присвяченого 95-річчю від дня народження академіка П. Г. Костюка. – С. 62. dynamics of training that tendency was saved. Research data is the index of adaptation process that has a dynamic character and is based on activation of integrative activity of brain that, in its turn, is seen in form of increase of functions lateralization in cortex of large hemispheres during 3 years of studying in medical universityQuality of adaptation to training process as a significant psychic and emotional stress greatly depends on processes of integrative activity of brain, thus study of those processes becomes an important basis for prevention of possible negative outcomes. Current research was carried out in medical students (56 persons in total, all were young women to exclude the gender peculiarities) of I-III courses during the training process that imitated the psychic and physical load of dynamic characterenstudentsintegrative activity of brainThe state of functional asymmetry as index of adaptation to training processArticle