Zhuravlyova, AnnaOgneva, OlenaZhuravlyova, Larysa2015-09-152015-09-152015Zhuravlyova A. K. Approach to diagnosis of liver fibrosis: serum markers / A. K. Zhuravlyova, O. V. Ogneva, L. V. Zhuravlyova // Reseach result. – 2015. – Vol. 1, № 1. – Р. 81–86.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9620Hepatic fibrosis is the final common pathway for many different liver insults. Originally considered to be irreversible, hepatic fibrosis is now known to be a dynamic process with a significant potential for resolution. Timely diagnosis of liver fibrosis can prevent development of unwanted complications. The diagnosis and quantitation of fibrosis have traditionally relied on liver biopsy. However, there are a number of drawbacks that limit its use. This article reviews the current methods of assessment of hepatic fibrosis based on the serum markers.enfibrosis of liverserum markersApproach to diagnosis of liver fibrosis: serum markersArticle