Korostiy, VolodymyrKozhyna, HannaResunenko, Olexandr2015-12-212015-12-212015Rezunenko O. Modern view on the issue of bipolar affective disorder (psychopathological characteristics and efficiency of psychoeducation in the complex therapy) / O. Rezunenko, V. Korostiy, H. Kozhуna // 12 World congress of biological psychiatri, (WFSBP), Athens, Greece, 18–22 june 2015 : аbstracts book. – Athens, 2015. – P. 15–006.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12179enModern view on the issue of bipolar affective disorder (psychopathological characteristics and efficiency of psychoeducation in the complex therapy)Thesis