Yanishen, IgorAndrienko, KarinaPogorila, Alla2023-11-162023-11-162023Yanishen I. V. Clinical assessment criteria of the finite element method as an auxiliary method production of removable orthopedic structures using doped packaging materials / I. V. Yanishen, K. Y. Andrienko, A. V. Pogorila // Теорія і практика сучасної науки та освіти : матеріали IX Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Львів, 9─10 листопада 2023 року. ─ Львів : Львівський науковий форум, 2023. – С. 28─30.УДК 005 ББК 94.3(0)https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32900The purpose was a comparative assessment of the results of the indicators of the clinical criteria for the evaluation o f the finite element method on the prosthetic area o f patients whose removable structures were made w ith the help of doped packing materials.enorthopedic dental rehabilitationpacking materials2023аClinical assessment criteria of the finite element method as an auxiliary method production of removable orthopedic structures using doped packaging materialsArticle