Tuchkina, IrinaVygivska, LudmylaBlagoveshchensky, EvgeniyTuchkina, MarynaBlagoveshchensky, RomanLopatenko, Dmitro2023-06-292023-06-292022-09Features of uterine cavity state in women with extragenital disorders in abnormal uterine bleeding / I. A. Tuchkina, L. A. Vygivska, E. V. Blagoveshchensky, M. Yu. Tuchkina, R. E. Blagoveshchensky, D. E. Lopatenko // Reproductive endocrinology. – 2022. – № 3 (65). – Р. 8–13.2309-4117https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32373The most common disorder of the uterine cavity in women with extragenital diseases and abnormal uterine bleedings, detected by ultrasound scanning, were polyps of the uterine cavity and endometrial hyperplasia. A feature of blood flow in pathological processes in the uterine cavity was an increase in the pulsation index in the uterine, basal and spiral arteries in women of the main group compared to the control group.enabnormal uterine bleedingultrasound characteristicsdisorder of the uterine cavityextragenital disordersFeatures of uterine cavity state in women with extragenital disorders in abnormal uterine bleedingArticle