Малик, Наталія ВіталіївнаMalyk, NatalliaАнищенко, Анна МихайлівнаAnyshchenko, Anna2022-12-082022-12-082022-09-27Malyk N. V. Vacuum-assisted closure as alternative method of wound managment / N. V. Malyk, A. Anyshchenko // Achievments, innovations and development prospects : Proceedings of XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Berlin, Germany, 11–13 September 2022 / sci-conf.com.ua. – Berlin, 2022. – P. 27–29.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31363Vacuum-assisted closure as alternative method of wound managmentenwound managmentvacuum-assisted closureVacuum-assisted closure as alternative method of wound managmentThesis